The KAIM Trust was founded in 1995 by Late Sh. Ram
Krishan Gupta, Ex. M.P. and Freedom Fighter to popularize
management education in the area. At present, the KAIM
Trust is headed by Sh. J.P. Aggarwal, a renowned
industrialist. Sh. Ashok Kumar Gupta, FCA, is the General
Secretary of this august body, under the dynamic
leadership of the two, the institute is flourishing. KAIM's
Governing Body and Academic Advisory Body include
eminent industrialists, professionals, renowned
academicians and well known social workers.
KAIM is one of the earliest established premier institutes of
management in Haryana engaged in providing the
environment necessary to facilitate advance learning. It was
established with the missionary zeal to prepare, groom and
develop managers as per the requirement of managerial
professionalism. The infrastructure of the Institute, facilities
and teaching methodology are designed keeping in view its
commitment to achieve excellence in the field of
professional education. KAIM with a sanctioned intake of 60
students each in BBA/MBA and BCA contributes significantly
towards achieving the mission.